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Carlyn Manly
Desired Completion Shown when Waiting for Customer

The inbox views in 4me and the request header now display the desired completion whenever a desired completion date and time have been specified in a request and the status is ‘Waiting for Customer’. Unlike the response and resolution targets, the desired completion does not get pushed back while a request is set to ‘Waiting […]

Carlyn Manly
Finished Tasks Separated in Self Service Inbox

At the bottom of the ‘My Inbox’ section, the 4me App and 4me Self Service used to list the change tasks and the project tasks that were assigned to the user and are already finished. The reason for listing the tasks that are already finished was that end users need to be able to look […]

Carlyn Manly
Classic Self Service Retired

As previously announced, classic Self Service has now been retired. In all production, QA and demo accounts, the option ‘Use classic Self Service’ has been unchecked and this checkbox has been removed from the ‘Self Service Settings’ section of the Settings console. This means that all end users will now be routed to 4me’s standard […]

Carlyn Manly
Improved Validation of Configuration Items Field

When a specialist updates the status of a request to ‘Completed’, 4me’s validation rules determine whether the specialist should link a configuration item to the request. These rules were already quite advanced, but have now been perfected even further. The objective of this enhancement is to ensure that when the Configuration items field becomes required, […]

Carlyn Manly
Specialists Can Submit Requests for Someone Else

When the Service Desk Analyst role was given the ability to update a request’s requester (see Update the Requester of a Request), the Specialist role also got an extra capability. Specialists were already able to use the 4me App and 4me Self Service to submit a new request on behalf of someone else, but they […]

Carlyn Manly
Show Placeholder in Rich Text Fields

It is now possible to display a placeholder text in a rich text field of a UI extension. A placeholder text is typically used to make it easier for users to understand what to fill out in a field when it is still empty. The data-placeholder attribute can now be included in the HTML of […]

Carlyn Manly
Update the Requester of a Request

After a request has been saved for the first time, it was no longer possible to select a different person in the Requested by or the Requested for fields. That was intentional, because the person who originally submitted the request should not change over time. Yet there are some relatively exceptional cases where it could […]

Carlyn Manly
Open the Service Navigator from an SLA Report

The option ‘Service Navigator’ is now also available in the Actions menu for people who are working in the ‘SLA Reports’ section of 4me’s Analytics console. When this option is selected from the Actions menu, the Service Navigator opens in a new browser tab with the focus on the service instance that is linked to […]

Carlyn Manly
SLA Availability Calculation for Current Month

When an outage occurred in the beginning of a month, the actual availability value that would be presented in the SLA reports that can be found in the ‘SLA Reports’ section of the Analytics console would be excessively low. That was because the actual availability was calculated using the elapsed number of service hours since […]