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 About Patrick Bakker

Patrick is 4me's Product Manager. After completing his studies in information science and applied linguistics, Patrick came into contact with service management processes as an IT consultant for CGI and as a billing specialist for World Online, Ziggo and Embratel. He then started his own copywriting business and founded a school to teach children about new technologies.  This rare combination of experiences helps Patrick as he explains the unique benefits that 4me has to offer as an enterprise service management solution.

Patrick Bakker
Emergency Contact for Organizations

In certain emergency situations it is important to be able to immediately contact the right person within an organization. That would be the case for incidents related to cybersecurity, for example. Compliancy directives such as NIS2 or CMMC, even aim to make it required for service management organizations to publish their emergency contact information. Xurrent […]

Patrick Bakker
Bulk Translations

In our global economy, it is commonplace for most organizations to interact with people who speak different languages on a daily basis. That’s why Xurrent provides its users with translation capabilities out of the box. This is done on three levels. Auto-translation of notes makes sure that any note that is added in another language […]

Patrick Bakker
Added Data Integrity Reports

Four new reports have been added to the ‘Data Integrity Reports’ section of the Settings console. This is where users can find out if there are any records that are related to other records that are no longer enabled or available. For reports related to users, this usually means that another member, manager, or assignee […]

Patrick Bakker
Rich Link Copy

Recently, we made several improvements to copying Xurrent fields to the clipboard. Much of the Xurrent records are clickable and users can now choose whether they want to copy the text of such a reference or the link. But even when copying a link to send to a colleague within Xurrent, for example, it helps […]

Patrick Bakker
Additional Email Templates for Reservations

In the last few weeks, several usability improvements to the Reservations capability were introduced, as suggested by one of our customers during the latest Customer Advisory Board meeting. As a final step for this effort (at least for now), two new email templates of type ‘Reservation’ are introduced. Although several email templates were already available […]

Patrick Bakker
Copy to Clipboard Improvements

When working in different tabs or applications, it can sometimes be helpful to be able to easily copy information from one place to another. In the Xurrent Specialist Interface this is possible for names and subjects of all record types (and also for record IDs, such as Request IDs or Task IDs). By hovering over […]

Patrick Bakker
Automation Rule Execution Views

Organizations that make extensive use of the Automation Rules capability within Xurrent, regularly check the executions of those automation rules for any possible errors. This can become rather time consuming, as the rules must be checked one at the time. To make this work a bit easier for Xurrent administrators and auditors, a new ‘Automation […]

Patrick Bakker
Maintenance Windows

A maintenance window is a recurring period of time designated in advance, during which preventive maintenance that could cause disruption of a service may be performed. It is now possible to define such maintenance windows and relate them to specific service instances. A new Maintenance window field has been added to the Service Instance form. […]

Patrick Bakker
AI Suggestions to Improve Knowledge Articles

In the context of customer support, ‘shift left’ refers to the practice of moving certain support-related activities and responsibilities closer to the beginning of the customer journey or support process. The goal is to address customer issues and provide assistance as early as possible in the support workflow, empowering users to find solutions independently, which […]