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Cor Winkler Prins
Where Do Declined Requests Go?

Apparently, users have often felt uncomfortable about declining requests because they were uncertain about where a declined request would get routed. That is why 4me now displays a message when a request is being declined.

Cor Winkler Prins
Add Automation Rules to Task Templates

Automation rules can now be added directly to task templates. In the past, it was only possible to add automation rules to task templates that belong to a specific change or project template.

Cor Winkler Prins
Visibility Indicator for Request Templates

The visibility options for request templates have been renamed. They used to be called ‘Self Service’ and ‘Service Hierarchy Browser’. But because specialists can now find all the request templates in Self Service that they are able to select in the full UI, the label ‘Self Service’ was no longer appropriate. This label was therefore […]

Cor Winkler Prins
Enforcing TLS v1.2

Currently, when customers connect to the 4me service, the HTTPS requests made accept the SSL protocols TLS v1.0, v1.1 and v1.2. To further improve the security of the 4me service, TLS v1.2 will soon be enforced. This will prevent the use of weak ciphers such as RC4 and 3DES. The supported cipher suites can be […]

Cor Winkler Prins
Reset Your API Token

API tokens needs to be treated with great care because they allow people to access the 4me service through the 4me APIs. If someone believes that his/her API token has accidentally been shared with others, it is possible to obtain a new API token.

Cor Winkler Prins
Include To and Cc of Inbound Email in Note

When an email is sent to 4me, the Mail API ensures that the information in the body of the email gets added as a new note. From now on, the notes generated by the Mail API will start with the To and Cc email addresses of the inbound email.

Cor Winkler Prins
Not All Attachments Included

When an inbound email contains more than 20 attachments, only the first 20 files are attached to the new note that the Mail API generates. What’s new is that in such cases the following message gets added at the bottom of the note: “Not all attachments from the email were added to this note (maximum […]

Cor Winkler Prins
Keep Your View's Filter

Many of the views in 4me offer some buttons in their header. These are the state buttons. By pressing a state button, you retrieve a different list of records.

Cor Winkler Prins
Suggestion Enhancements

Within 4me, there are many places where it is possible to relate a record to other records. To make it easy to find the right records, 4me provides lists of suggestions.