Include To and Cc of Inbound Email in Note
When an email is sent to 4me, the Mail API ensures that the information in the body of the email gets added as a new note. From now on, the notes generated by the Mail API will start with the To and Cc email addresses of the inbound email.
Not All Attachments Included
When an inbound email contains more than 20 attachments, only the first 20 files are attached to the new note that the Mail API generates. What’s new is that in such cases the following message gets added at the bottom of the note: “Not all attachments from the email were added to this note (maximum […]
Keep Your View's Filter
Many of the views in 4me offer some buttons in their header. These are the state buttons. By pressing a state button, you retrieve a different list of records.
Suggestion Enhancements
Within 4me, there are many places where it is possible to relate a record to other records. To make it easy to find the right records, 4me provides lists of suggestions.
100% Availability
It is that time of year when we look back at the previous 12 months. Obviously, a major milestone has been the name change to 4me. But let’s focus here on the availability of the service, as well as the enhancements that have been delivered. Those are, after all, what our customers value most.
A New Name
Palo Alto, California, January 04, 2018 – ITRP has changed its name to 4me. The evolution of the service management industry beyond IT was the prime driver behind this name change.
Track Self Service Usage with Google Analytics
The standard integration with Google Analytics is now available. This integration allows support organizations to track and report on their 4me Self Service traffic using the advanced web analytics service offered by Google.
New Team Is Not Responsible
Let’s say that there is an issue with the production environment of the Sales Tracking application service. The specialist who is working on the incident has determined that there is something wrong with the infrastructure..
Faster Images
You may have already noticed that the inline images that people have included in their notes load much faster. That is especially true for large images.