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Carlyn Manly
New Email Template Variables

The following two variables have been made available for use in the email templates that 4me uses to generate notifications concerning requests:

Carlyn Manly
4me in Korean (한국어)

Because more and more end-users and support specialists in South Korea are using 4me, the service has been translated into Korean. That means that they can all switch their language preference to Korean (한국어). When they do that, all headers, field labels, field options, etc. will be presented in Korean.

Carlyn Manly
4me Appoints Laurens Pit as CTO

As 4me continues to grow, so does its organizational structure. Today it is my great pleasure to announce that Laurens Pit has taken on the role of 4me’s Chief Technology Officer.

Carlyn Manly
4me in Polish

Because there are more and more 4me users in Poland, we decided to make the full 4me interface available in Polish. End users were already able to use 4me Self Service in Polish, but now Polish support specialist can also set their language preference to ‘polski’.

Carlyn Manly

copy/paste images in notes. The two major additions to the service were advanced Time Tracking and Knowledge Management. None of these releases caused a service outage, which underscores the quality of the change management process that is in place for 4me. As always, the availability of the service was measured independently by Pingdom, which determined […]

Carlyn Manly
Switching Off Release Management

This is a somewhat unusual blog post. Rather than announcing a new feature, this post explains how it is now possible to switch off some existing functionality. Since most organizations have not implemented Release Management, we have made it possible in 4me to hide this functionality. In fact, it is now hidden by default. To […]

Carlyn Manly
Time Spent Summaries for Specialists

A support specialist may be asked how much time she spent on a specific project during a specific month, week or day. Now she is able to answer that question by going to the Analytics console. There, she can open the ‘Timesheets’ section. Even though this section was already available for managers and their substitutes, […]

Carlyn Manly
Double-Click To Add Time Entry

A small usability feature has been added for people who register all their time in 4me. A double-click on a date in the calendar overview of a user’s timesheet now opens a new time entry.

Carlyn Manly
Give Your Teams an Email Address

In some organizations people have gotten used to sending email directly to specific teams when they need help with something.  There can be good reasons why a team may prefer to allow the users who depend on their services to continue using email, rather than requiring them to submit their requests using 4me Self Service. […]