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Carlyn Manly
Inline Images

Earlier this week the new text formatting features were released. You may have already noticed that the bar with the formatting options includes one extra option when you are working in a Note field. This extra option allows you to insert an image between the text. Many users have indicated that they would like to […]

Carlyn Manly
Search for Services in Self Service

Nowadays, it is not uncommon for a large IT department to support more than a hundred services. Email is often cited as an example of a service, but each department of a modern enterprise seems to rely on a whole set of specialized application services. The finance department has its applications, but so does HR, […]

Carlyn Manly
Real-Time Search

You probably did not notice that, over the past two months, your search queries were gradually redirected to 4me’s new search engine. The beauty of this new search engine is that its indices get updated almost instantly when a record is added or updated. In the past it could take a few minutes before new […]

Carlyn Manly
Partner Announcement: 2Grips

Today, we are proud to announce the partnership with 2Grips. The consultants of this Belgian/Dutch firm have gained an enormous amount of experience implementing different IT service management solutions. They have recognized the unique benefits that 4me provides for multinationals and organizations that want to actively manage their external service providers. Over the past months, 2Grips […]

Carlyn Manly
Search Refined

The screen that displays the results of a search has been improved a little. This was done to make the ‘Refine Search’ options a little more intuitive to use. These options are now revealed when thebutton is pressed. After you have selected the necessary options to refine your search, you should find it more natural […]

Carlyn Manly
Add Time Entries for a Whole Week

Time Tracking functionality has been extended with a helpful feature that makes it possible to quickly register your time for a whole week. To access this new feature, click on the Time Spent Today toolbar button to open your timesheet for the current month. Next, move your mouse cursor toward a weekly total. This causes a […]

Carlyn Manly
SMTX Strengthens the 4me Partner Network

This week it is our pleasure to announce that SMTX has joined the 4me Partner Network. SMTX offers a number of advanced service catalog and request fulfillment products for large organizations with service management needs that cannot easily be met by traditional enterprise-class ITSM tools. Now that 4me has repeatedly demonstrated that it can meet […]

Carlyn Manly
Managing 1000s of Relations

Many of the organizations that use 4me have enormous infrastructures to manage. The numbers they deal with on a daily basis can be dazzling. In such environments it is critical that the service management application remains responsive despite the amount of data that is maintained in it. To make it practical to manage records that […]

Carlyn Manly
Impressions from 4me Connect 2016

Yesterday’s 4me Connect event was simply wonderful. It was great to see so many familiar faces from so many countries. Some of the largest 4me customers and partners shared their experiences. The topics on Time Tracking, HR and the new EU Data Protection Regulation received a lot of interest. The two breakout sessions were popular […]