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Cor Winkler Prins
Sites Moved to Records Console

Directory administrators will be happy to know that the ‘Sites’ option is now available in the Records console. This replaces the ‘Sites’ section of the Settings console. It is just easier when these three record types (i.e. the Organizations, People and Sites), which a directory administrator can maintain for all the support domain accounts, are […]

Cor Winkler Prins
Another Brilliant Addition to the Team

Most of you already know that 4me, Inc. is more than a little selective about the people who get to work on the 4me service. We spend a lot of time selecting people who are not only brilliant individuals, but who are also great colleagues to work with. Earlier this month, Robbert Brak joined 4me, […]

Cor Winkler Prins
Don’t Start Just Yet

Sometimes it is important that a change does not get implemented before a certain date. Change managers can use the ‘Start no earlier than’ field of implementation tasks to specify the moment at which the implementation is allowed to start. To make sure that the team member to whom the task is assigned does not […]

Cor Winkler Prins

The past year has been amazing for 4me. Several more large multinationals have started to use the service, many features were added, and the overall availability for 2015 was 99.998%. The outages were limited to two 5-minutes periods (source: Pingdom), thanks to the resilience of 4me’s infrastructure. The small number of outages, despite the fact […]

Cor Winkler Prins
Faster Changes

The experience has become a little different for change managers when they edit a change. When they click on one of the change’s tasks, this task no longer opens inside the change form. Instead, it opens in its own screen. This makes for a more tidy experience. It also ensures that changes open noticeably more […]

Cor Winkler Prins
Self Service in Norwegian

Thanks to one of our multinational customers, 4me Self Service and 4me Mobile are now available to end-users and key contacts in Norwegian (norsk). Norwegian is the 25th language that is supported for these interfaces. It will benefit all organizations that are using 4me to support communities in Norway. If your company supports people whose […]

Cor Winkler Prins
Improved Visibility of Request Templates, Known Errors and Recent Changes

The Service Hierarchy Browser (SHB) provides information that could be relevant for the request that you are working on. For example, it lists the child service instances and configuration items (CIs) that the service instance of the request relies on. It also lists the request templates that could be applicable to the request, as well […]

Cor Winkler Prins
The 4me Partner Network Keeps Expanding – A Warm Welcome to Syscom A/S

Today it is our pleasure to welcome Syscom A/S to the 4me Partner Network. Syscom A/S is the most established name in Scandinavia for ITSM, as well as knowledge management. The vast experience of Syscom’s consultants in these areas make this partnership so valuable. Combined with 4me’s advanced capabilities, the consultants are able to help […]

Cor Winkler Prins
Pull Up the Original Event

Many system management tools have already been integrated with 4me. When they pass an event to 4me’s Events API or Mail API, a request gets generated in 4me. Specialists who pick up such requests may sometimes need to access the details of the original event in the system management tool. Account administrators are now able […]