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Cor Winkler Prins
Performance Tuning

The releases of the past two weekends were focused on making the 4me service even faster. Don’t get too excited, though. We are talking about milliseconds here. Performance tuning is something we dive into whenever we see that response times of a certain type of transaction are creeping up. This time it was primarily the […]

Cor Winkler Prins
SaaS or Not Saas – Why You Should Care

The other day I came across a Forrester report with the intriguing title Beware Of The SaaS Trap (membership or payment required). It calls out the common practice of rebranding legacy software offerings as SaaS solutions. The point Forrester is making is that SaaS in name only won’t deliver the same benefits and may end […]

Cor Winkler Prins
Meeting Germany’s Data Protection Requirements

As a SaaS provider with users around the globe, privacy and security get the highest priority with every release. Earlier this month we announced the Safe Harbor certification of the 4me service to meet the requirements of the European Union’s Directive on Data Protection as well as the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection. Germany, […]

Cor Winkler Prins
Enhanced Notes

You probably noticed that each note is now accompanied by the picture of its author. That allows users to find the notes of a specific person more quickly. But did you already see the little icons in the header of some notes? You may encounter the following two icons from time to time: an envelope […]

Cor Winkler Prins
Safe Harbor Certified

Organizations with operations in the European Union and Switzerland need to be able to demonstrate that they provide adequate protection for the personal data that they store in the 4me service. This is a requirement from the European Union’s Directive on Data Protection and the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection. Such organizations can rely […]

Cor Winkler Prins
ITSM Tool Vendors a Little Out of Touch?

Industry analyst The ITSM Review did something really clever recently to find out whether ITSM tool vendors are aligned with their customers. To find out, they asked 19 different tool vendors how customizable their ITSM software is. Then they asked customers how they would rate their ability to customize these 19 different ITSM products. The […]

Cor Winkler Prins
Affected SLAs Target Colors

When you open the Affected SLAs section of a request, you will see that the affected SLAs of the providers that you work for are highlighted. The highlight color indicates how close the next SLA targets are to being violated. These targets can be response targets or resolution targets. The highlight colors are the same […]

Cor Winkler Prins
Past Holidays

Some organizations have already been using the 4me service for several years. Each year, their list of Holiday records has grown a little longer. To help you focus on the holidays that are still relevant, a small change was made to the Holidays section of the Settings console. Now, the holidays that have already passed […]

Cor Winkler Prins
Adding a Little Color

In the views of the Records console, the color behind the targets of requests, problems and tasks now varies depending on how close they are to their due date. The colors and thresholds in these views are exactly the same as in the Inbox views. For those of you who are interested, the exact thresholds […]