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Carlyn Manly
Self Service in Turkish (Türk)

The Self Service interface for end users is now also available in Turkish. This makes things a little easier for organizations in Turkey when they give their employees access to 4me so that they can obtain support when they are struggling with an IT issue, have a question for HR about their pay stub, need […]

Carlyn Manly
Removing Notifications

People use their Notification Center, which was recently introduced, in different ways. For those who prefer to be able to remove individual notifications without having to open the record for which the notification was generated, the ‘Remove’ option has been added.

Carlyn Manly
Andy Richardson Joins 4me

Another one of the world’s most experienced service management experts has joined 4me. Wouter Wyns joined last summer and now it is my great pleasure to announce that Andy Richardson has started at 4me. In his role as Service Management Architect, Andy’s primary focus will be partner enablement. That is where his 20-plus years of […]

Carlyn Manly
Opening Email Marks Notification as Read

4me automatically generates notifications. These notifications may inform a requester that his request has been completed, tell a specialist that someone added a note to a task that is assigned to her, etc. These notifications show up in the user’s Notification Center.

Carlyn Manly
Linking Organizations to a Time Allocation

After setting up a new time allocation, it still needs to be made available to the employees of the right organizations. Only then will these people be able to select it when they are registering their time. To do this, the administrator who added the time allocation would normally open each of these organization records […]

Carlyn Manly
Service Instance Field Improvement

The Service instance field of requests has been improved. Service desk analysts and specialists will notice this after they have placed a request in Edit mode. The Service instance field now behaves in a similar way as the Configuration items field below it.

Carlyn Manly
How to Operationally Support GDPR Compliance

As the go-live date for the GDPR is approaching fast, organizations are doing their best to meet the requirements.  For the most part, this is a process of finding out what kind of personal information is processed, where and how. This is important, but you also need to consider how to operationally support the requirements […]

Carlyn Manly
4me’s GDPR Commitment

On May 25, 2018, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) goes into effect. Because many of 4me’s customers are based in the European Economic Area (EEA) or support users there, this is going to affect them.