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Product Updates

Carlyn Manly
Introducing Webhook Deliveries

For developers who build integrations with 4me, a new section has become available in the Settings console.  This new section is called ‘Webhook Deliveries’.  To access this section quickly, just type  web  in the Search box after clicking on the Settings console icon. Each time a webhook tries to deliver its payload to a URI […]

Carlyn Manly
Filter Project Task Views and Reports by Program

It was already possible in 4me to filter project views and reports by program.  This is important for program managers who want to keep track of all open projects that are part of their program.  They could, for example, prepare a dashboard to help them visualize the state of their program. Because the Program filter […]

Carlyn Manly
Three More Configuration Management Reports

A few more reports have been added to help configuration managers maintain an accurate CMDB.  The reports that were added are: Configuration Items by Service Configuration Items by Supplier Configuration Items by Support Team For the convenience of the configuration managers, these reports have the filter  Active is Yes  applied to them by default.  This […]

Carlyn Manly
Require Note when Adding Time Spent

The Time spent field of a request, problem, change task or project task now becomes required whenever text has been entered in the Note field.  Some organizations, however, require a note that justifies the effort for every time entry that is created.  Such organizations are typically managed service providers (MSPs) and shared service centers of larger […]

Carlyn Manly
Make Use of Organization Records from Trusted Accounts

When a managed service provider (MSP) has linked its 4me account with customers that have their own 4me account, they are able to relate the organization records of those customers to their SLAs, but they were not able to make use of these organization records that are registered in the 4me accounts of their customers.  […]

Carlyn Manly
Track Targets Met and Violated Over Time

There were already several reports on SLA performance, but all of those horizontal bar charts and pie charts show the performance for a single date range that the user can specify.  Because it might also be useful to see this information over time, the following reports have been added: Finished Tasks Completion Targets Met and […]

Carlyn Manly
Filter Out of Office Periods

The ‘All Out of Office Periods’ view can now be filtered.  The following filters can applied to this view to help administrators find specific out of office periods more easily: Business unit Organization Organization region Person

Carlyn Manly
Report on First Call Resolutions & Service Desk Resolutions

The following two reports have been added to allow them to be added to a dashboard that tracks the performance of the service desk: First Call Resolutions by Member Service Desk Only Resolutions by Member The first report provides a reliable indicator of how capable an agent is at completing a new request without needing […]

Carlyn Manly
Notify Locked-Out User

When someone attempted to log in to 4me several consecutive times with an incorrect password, his or her access to 4me is temporarily blocked.  This is a basic security measure that stops people from trying to use someone else’s primary email address to gain unauthorized access to 4me. To ensure that anyone with malicious intent […]