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Product Updates

Carlyn Manly
Sharing Internal Notes with Other Domains

By default, internal notes are visible when requests get passed between different support organizations within the same enterprise. When each of these support organizations has its own 4me support domain account and one support domain (e.g. the local IT department in Ireland) passes a request to another support domain (e.g. the regional data center in […]

Carlyn Manly
Open Requests by Site

Yet another report has become available in the ‘Reports’ section of the Analytics console. This week it is the ‘Open Requests by Site’ report that was added.

Carlyn Manly
Import/Export Translations

The ‘Translations’ section of the Settings console provides an easy-to-use interface for organizations to translate the names of their services, the subjects of their requests templates, the labels of the UI extension fields they have added, etc.

Carlyn Manly
Default Targets for RFCs and RFIs

In the Service Offering form it is now possible to specify default targets for requests for change (RFCs) and requests for information (RFIs). Once defined, these targets are automatically applied when someone, who is covered by an SLA that is based on the service offering, submits an RFC or RFI for the service that is […]

Carlyn Manly
Open Requests by Status

New reports continue to be added to the ‘Reports’ section of the Analytics console. The latest addition is the report ‘Open Requests by Status’.

Carlyn Manly
Open Requests by Target Indication

The report ‘Open Requests by Target Indication’ has been improved. The slice OK included all open requests that did not have a target violation. This slice has been split up into OK, Clock Stopped and Best Effort.

Carlyn Manly
Use Rules to Retrieve Previous Value

Now it is possible to look up the previous value of a field using the automation rules. When you add _was at the end of a field name, the expression will retrieve the field’s previous value.

Carlyn Manly
Registered Requests by Impact

Yet another report has been added to the ‘Reports’ section of the Analytics console. This one is called ‘Registered Requests by Impact’.

Carlyn Manly
Custom Date Ranges for Reports

Some reports in the ‘Reports’ section of the Analytics console have a default date range. It is now possible to select a different range by clicking on the date range that is visible in the upper right corner of the report.