Product Updates
Delayed Automation Rules
An extra option has been added to the Trigger field of automation rules. It is the option ‘After delay’.
More SLA Coverage Options
The options that allow service level managers to define who is covered by a service level agreement (SLA) have been extended.
Introducing Automation Rules
Any person who has the Account Designer or Account Administrator role can add automation rules to the tasks of the changes or projects they manage. What’s probably more important is that they can also add automation rules to the workflows defined in the change templates and project templates. That ensures that these automation rules are […]
Just-in-Time End User Access Provisioning
The new Just-in-Time (JIT) End User Access Provisioning functionality offers support organizations another way to automate the registration and maintenance of the organization’s end users in 4me. This functionality essentially allows organizations to offload this responsibility to their identity provider (IdP). By configuring the IdP to pass a user’s information to 4me when he/she attempts to access […]
Sort Search Result by Creation Date
An advanced search option has been added that makes it possible to sort the records in your search results by their creation date.
Add Fields to Person, Site and Contract Forms
Support organizations are now able to extend the Person, Site and Contract forms in 4me. A recent upgrade of the UI Extension functionality makes it possible to add fields to these forms. Using the Snippets feature makes it possible to add fields to a UI extension without having to write any code.
Upload a Picture in Self Service
End users are now able to upload a picture of themselves in 4me Self Service.
Registered Requests by Source
Yet another report has been added to the ‘Reports’ section of the Analytics console. This one is a bar chart called ‘Registered Requests by Source’.
Drag and Drop Resource Planning
The Resource Planning view for projects has been improved. This is the view project managers use to ensure that the project team members do not have too much work assigned to them.