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Addressed Button on Customer Satisfaction reports

Patrick Bakker
Thumbs Down

Customer satisfaction measurement is not just a metric for management reporting, it is a starting point for improving processes and services. That is why request records contain a field called Addressed, which is set to ‘false’ whenever the requester gives the ‘thumbs down’ feedback if the request is completed and the requester is not satisfied. A service desk manager can check these requests in the ‘Requests with Dissatisfied Requester’ view and follow up on them.

Address request with dissatisfied requester

After pressing the Addressed button, the Addressed field is set to ‘true’. The request then disappears from this view, as it is filtered on ‘Addressed = false’. This way, it is very clear for the service desk manager which requests still need addressing.

addressed button

The Addressed button is now also available for the service desk manager from the customer satisfactions reports, making it even easier to follow up on resolutions that left the customer less than completely satisfied.