Maintain Tags
Two weeks ago, the possibility to add tags to requests was introduced, as a first version for this feature. Last week, although not communicated in the Development Update, it was made possible to manipulate tags with automation rules:
With a string value:
add "test" to tags
This can also create new tags that haven’t been used yet.
Or with a specific find on tags:
Expression: tag: find(tag, "test")
Action: update some_req add tag to tags
(In this situation it is not possible to create a new tag.)
Now, a ‘Tags’ section has been added to the Settings console. From here, account administrators can maintain the tags that are used in the account. They can see which tags exist, how often they are used, and they can create, update, and disable tags. Disabling a tag means that it is automatically removed from all requests it was applied to. Specialist can also access this section, but they cannot make any updates.
Apart from being able to edit a selected tag when a user has the right role, they can also click to ‘Show filtered requests view’ link to see all the requests with that tag.
When a request has reached the maximum number of 10 tags, the Add Tag button is now grayed out.