Reference Other Records
The Reference feature has become available in the Note fields of requests, problems, releases, changes, change tasks, projects and project tasks. This is an important usability feature that makes it possible for specialists to include references to other Xurrent records in their notes.
It was already possible to insert the permalink of another Xurrent record in a note, but that had the disadvantage that the permalink could only be used by other people who work in the same Xurrent account as the specialist who added the link. When a specialist of a managed service provider (MSP) would add the permalink of another request, for example, the MSP’s customer would not be able to use this link because it would point to the Xurrent account of the MSP.
When the new Reference feature is used, people of the customer organization are also be able to use the link, provided of course that they have access to the referenced record.
To add a reference to a note is easy. A specialist can click on the ‘Reference (#)’ option in the formatting bar, or simply enter the # symbol. That opens a dialog that allows another request, problem, release, change, change task, project or project task to be found.
When a specialist enters the record ID or part of the record’s subject, the record is suggested so that it can be selected.
After selecting a record, its reference is inserted in the Note field.
When the record is saved, the reference appears as hyperlinked text in the note. Other people (specialists as well as end users) who have access to the referenced record will be able to click on the hyperlink to open it. For someone who does not have access to the referenced record, the reference will still be visible, but the text will not be hyperlinked.
After a reference has been added, Xurrent automatically adds a system note to the referenced record. The system note ensures that people who open the referenced record are aware that there is related record.