The 4me Open Raven Integration

Data security issues should be reported and taken care of as swiftly as possible. Organizations that work with both 4me service management and the Open Raven data security platform will therefore be pleased to learn about the new 4me Open Raven Integration. This integration, created by Open Raven, uses REST APIs to communicate Open Raven event data directly into 4me, allowing teams to easily prioritize and quickly assign next steps for identified issues.

Open Raven provides data security visibility and compliance for the cloud by automating the discovery of all cloud assets, classification of sensitive data therein, and monitoring for mismatches between data types and infrastructure security controls. When an Open Raven policy violation event or alert is triggered, an incident is immediately created in 4me. These alerts include information critical for quick assessment and prioritization for action: rule violation details, impacted locations, involved objects and details about sensitive data types. With this new rich data context, a workflow in 4me is started that allows teams to not only better detect issues, but also track and measure impacted response and resolution targets for such alerts using 4me’s standard SLA functionalities and out-of-the-box reports.
To learn more about this integration, please download the 4me Open Raven Integration datasheet.