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Slack Integration Available from Xurrent App Store

Patrick Bakker

It is now possible to create a new request in Xurrent from Slack, a messaging program for business. This can make it easier for an organization’s customer support team to register a request when the conversation with the customer has already started within Slack.

Slack integration app store

The Slack integration with Xurrent can be installed from the Xurrent App Store by any organization that uses Xurrent. To do this, the account administrator needs to set the app to ‘enabled’ and enter the name and ID for the Slack workspace to be used.

From Slack it is then possible to create a request, typing ‘/Xurrent‘ and then the subject of the request. For example: /Xurrent Replace magenta toner in network printer PRT00003. After hitting <enter>, the person adding the request has to chance to enter a note. In Xurrent, the generated request looks just like normal, but with a Slack icon as the avatar for the writer of the note.

Slack integration registered request

To see which requests were created via slack, it is possible to filter the requests by ‘Created by’ = Slack or ‘Source’ = Slack .