Add a Note to an Approval Task
By adding a new field to the task template record type, organizations can now decide for themselves if they want notes to be required, optional, or hidden for approval tasks. The Note behavior field actually has four possible values: [empty], Hidden, Optional on Approval, and Required on Approval.
The [empty] option is available because the Note behavior field is not required. With the option selected on the task template, the approval task works exactly as it always had. This means that a note cannot be added during the approval task if the approver is not a workflow manager. This option also ensures that the Note behavior field is not visible in the task in View mode, whereas the other options are visible.
The ‘Hidden’ option works largely the same, but also removes the Attachment link in 4me Self Service. ‘Optional on Approval’ means that the approver can add a note on the approval task, but it is not required. The Note field is only required if the option ‘Required on Approval’ was selected on the task template.
In the 4me Specialist Interface, the approval task must then be completed in edit mode; the ‘Thumb Up’ icon is now grayed out. In 4me Self Service, the Note field has a blue background, and the ‘Thumb Up’ and ‘Thumb down’ icons are both grayed out, until a note is added. This behavior will soon be updated, by the way.
The Note behavior field is also available on project approval task templates and tasks.