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Major Incident Icon Visible in SHB

Carlyn Manly

Majoe IncidentSHB with major incident icons displayedWhen a request is placed in Edit mode, the Service Hierarchy Browser (also known as the SHB or sidebar) opens automatically to provide information that may help the specialist with the request.  For example, the SHB presents the knowledge articles, known errors and recently implemented changes for the service that is relevant to the request.  For an incident, the SHB also lists the other open incidents that are linked to the same service instance.

To make sure specialists are informed when they open a request that is linked to a service instance for which a major incident is currently open, the SHB now displays the major incident icon for such requests.

When the major incident status is ‘Proposed’, the icon is orange.  As soon as the major is incident is ‘Accepted’ the color of the major incident icon turns red.