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More Enhancements for Change Managers

Carlyn Manly

Gantt ChartChange managers have provided some useful feedback that has helped us perfect the Gantt Chart interface they use to plan their changes. The results are the following 3 usability improvements:

1. By default the Gantt chart now opens in Expanded mode. This ensures that when a change is opened, it only takes 1 mouse click on the Gantt Chart button in the toolbar to get a complete overview of all tasks, along with their category, status and assignment.
Gantt chart chart in Expanded mode
2. A small warning sign is now displayed when a task has required fields that still need to be filled out before the change can be started.
Empty required fields warning in Gantt chart
3. When the mouse cursor is placed over a task, the links with its predecessors and successors light up. This makes it a little easier to understand the workflow of complex changes.
Predecessor and successor links between tasks in Gantt chart
These improvements are also available in the Gantt chart of each project, so they benefit project managers as well.