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Supplier Field Set Automatically in Invoices

Patrick Bakker

Since the previous release, invoices can be related to changes, projects, service level agreements, first line support agreements and contracts.  Depending on which record type a financial manager selects, the Supplier field can now be determined automatically.

Specifically, for a contract the Supplier field of the invoice is automatically set to the contract’s supplier.  After an SLA is linked to an invoice, the Supplier field is set to the service provider of the SLA.  And when an FLSA is linked, the first line support provider of the FLSA is selected in the Supplier field of the invoice.

Linked invoice with selected supplier

Even when an organization was already selected in the Supplier field, the automation will select a new organization when a different service level agreement, first line support agreement or contract is related to the invoice.  But the financial manager can still overwrite the automatically selected organization in the exceptional occasion where this would be necessary.

For projects and changes, the Supplier field is not set automatically since there can be many suppliers that contribute to a project or change.