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More Options in Service Desk Console

Carlyn Manly

Service Desk consoleWhen an existing request is opened in the Service Desk console, there are now several more options available. These options have been added to allow people to not only register new requests, but to also work on the existing requests of a specific person in this console.

People normally work on existing requests in the Inbox console or in the Records console, but having the same options available in the Service Desk console provides some extra flexibility. When someone has selected an existing request in the Service Desk console and presses the Actions button in the toolbar, the following new options are available:

  • Relate to New Problem…
  • Relate to New Change…
  • Relate to New Project…
  • Ungroup

Actions menu options in the Service Desk console

In addition, the following toolbar buttons have become available in the Service Desk console:

  • Decline
  • Accept
  • Start
  • Forward