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All Administrators Are Notified About App Changes

Carlyn Manly

A few weeks ago, the ‘Apps’ section (edit: nowadays called the ‘App Store’) that can be found in the Settings console was given a makeover.  Since then, every single sign-on (SSO) configuration is treated just like any other integration that can be activated in the ‘Apps’ section.  The main advantage is that every administrator of an account can now maintain the account’s SSO configurations.  Previously, this was something only the owner of the account was allowed to do.  But since SSO configurations require regular maintenance, many customers asked for the permissions to be relaxed a bit.  This way, when there is an SSO issue and the account owner is unavailable, another administrator can, for example, update a fingerprint value in 4me.

To ensure that an administrator cannot simply make changes without anyone knowing about it, all updates are audited.  In addition, all administrators of the account (including the account owner) now receive a notification whenever an app is updated in any way.  The email templates that take care of this are:

  • App Installed – Sends a notification to all administrators when an App is installed
  • App Disabled – Sends a notification to all administrators when an App is disabled
  • App Enabled – Sends a notification to all administrators when an App is enabled
  • App Modified – Sends a notification to all administrators when an App is modified
  • App Removed – Sends a notification to all administrators when an App is removed

Furthermore, it is no longer possible to disable these email templates.  This should ensure that all the controls are in place to prevent administrators from updating an SSO configuration, or any 4me app for that matter, without at least the account owner getting notified.