Assign a Coordinator from the Actions Menu

The new Actions menu option ‘Assign Coordinator’ is now available for specialists when they open one of the teams that they are a member of. The ‘Assign Coordinator’ option can be selected to assign a new coordinator to the team. This would be the same as opening the team in Edit mode and selecting a different member in the Coordinator field.
So why add this option to the Actions menu? There are people who act as the coordinator for multiple teams. When they take over this responsibility at the start of their shift, they can now select their teams in the Records console and perform a mass update of the Coordinator field.

When multiple teams are selected, only the members who belong to each of the selected teams can be assigned as the new team coordinator.
Account administrators can use the ‘Assign Coordinator’ option even when they are not a member of the selected teams. If an account administrator has selected teams that do not have any members in common, any person can be selected, provided that this person has the Specialist role of the 4me account in which the teams are registered.
Upon pressing the Assign button in the dialog, the selected person will be added as a member to the selected teams and will also be selected in the Coordinator field of these teams.