Attach Files to Knowledge Articles
It is not uncommon for a knowledge article to refer to a document in which more information can be found. In such cases, the expectation has always been that the creator of the article would include a hyperlink to the document in the Instructions field. If the document was not available on a web server, it could be uploaded to the 4me Media Library where a hyperlink would be generated for the document.
The benefit of using a hyperlink rather than a file attachment was that it avoided a new copy of the document being created each time the knowledge article would be applied to a request. The disadvantage of this approach, however, was that a specialist could not simply drag and drop a file onto a knowledge article to include it.
That is why it is now possible to add attachments to knowledge articles. Adding a document to an article is now a matter of clicking on the Attach file… option and selecting one or more files, or dragging and dropping files onto this option.
When a knowledge article with attachments is applied to a request, the attachments of the article are added as attachments to the requests. This does not cause any additional copies of the files to be made; when someone clicks on one of the attachments from the requests, the file that opens is actually the one linked to the knowledge article.