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Default Source Field Values for Requests

Carlyn Manly

RequestAs a follow-up to the recent improvement of the Source labels that are displayed in the request reports, the default values that Xurrent specifies in the Source field of requests have now also been adjusted to make them a little easier to understand.

Henceforth, the Source field of a request that was registered in the Service Desk console will be set to ‘Xurrent’ rather than ‘web’. Similarly, requests that were registered in Xurrent’s self service interface or the Xurrent App will get the Source field value ‘Xurrent Self Service’ instead of ‘self service’. And if the request was submitted by sending an email to Xurrent, its Source field will be ‘Email’ instead of ’email’.

Note that the Source field values of existing requests remain unchanged. If desired, organizations can update the Source field value of those requests by performing a full export, removing all columns from the export file except for the column that contains the request IDs and the Source column. The values in the Source column can be then updated by performing a search/replace, after which the file can be imported to update the Source field values of those requests.