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Impressions from 4me CAB 2014

Carlyn Manly

4me CAB logoThis year’s customer advisory board meeting was again a great success. The customers attending this 2-day event gathered on a quiet island in Italy. There they explained how their specific business environment caused them to configure 4me in a specific way.

2014 4me CAB location
Providing the context for their requirements opened the door for interesting discussions and idea sharing. Two of 4me’s developers were present to make sure that the needs are understood correctly. They contributed directly in discussions concerning features that could be extended to deliver even more value.

2014 4me CAB presentations
The result of this year’s CAB meeting is a number of themes, such as workflow automation, collaboration with other providers, and support for non-IT departments like HR and Facility Management. For each of these themes we identified a few features that could deliver significant incremental benefit. This list of new features dictates the focus of our development efforts in 2015.

2014 4me CAB wine tasting
2014 4me CAB cartingWe also looked further into the future and found some interesting themes for our long-term goals. These require more research and may become really exciting a few years from now.

The customers at this year’s CAB were selected to represent a diverse set of organizations. This ensures that we take into account the needs of large global enterprises, external service providers, as well as organizations that use 4me beyond the IT department. There was a surprising consensus among the participants on the features that they believe will bring the most benefit. So, thanks to the active participation of the CAB members, the direction has been set for our 2015 development efforts.