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Mention Any Mentioned Person

Carlyn Manly

MentionWhen a request is passed from the 4me account of an IT department to the 4me account of one of its managed service providers, the specialists of the MSP were already able to mention the following people in the Note field of the request:

  • the person who is selected in the Requested by field
  • the person who is selected in the Requested for field
  • the person selected in the Member field
  • anyone who had previously added a public note to the request
  • anyone who has the Specialist role of the MSP’s 4me account

Now, the specialists from the MSP are also able to mention anyone who was previously mentioned by the customer in any of the request’s notes. This allows the MSP’s specialists to keep these people included in the conversation.
Note with a mention in View mode
This also works the other way around. Any specialist mentioned by the MSP in a public note can be mentioned by the people of the customer organization who have access to the request.