Open Projects and Changes in Self Service
After a project task has been assigned to someone, this person can open the project task in 4me Self Service or in the 4me App, even if this person does not have the Specialist role. What is new is that it is now possible in these interfaces to open the project from a project task.
When a user clicks on the project from a task, the project is opened. This provides the user with some high-level information about the project. More importantly, the user can see the project’s entire Gantt chart.
If the user does not have the Specialist role of the 4me account in which the project is registered, the user can only open tasks from the Gantt chart that are assigned to him or her. Project team members who have the Specialist role of the account in which the project is registered can open all tasks from the Gantt chart, just like they can in 4me’s Specialist interface.
A similar capability has been introduced for changes. Specialists can now open the change from the tasks that have been assigned to them. From the change’s Gantt chart they can open the tasks that are registered in the account of their Specialist role, or have been assigned to a team that is registered in the account of their Specialist role.