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Simplified Pricing Plan Names

Carlyn Manly

Price TagIn the past, customers have been able to chose from one of three different pricing plans when they decided to subscribe to the 4me service.  These plans were called: Basic, Premium and Premium Plus.  To date, nearly all 4me customers have selected ‘Premium Plus’, the most advanced pricing plan.  This plan makes all functionality of the 4me service available to the customer.

To make it a little easier for people to distinguish between the two top-tier plans, the ‘Premium’ plan has been renamed to ‘Standard’ and the ‘Premium Plus’ plan is now called ‘Premium’.

Because of this name change, the ‘Premium’ plan is now the highest plan.  It still provides all of the capabilities that 4me has to offer.  Customers should not notice anything different other than the updated name in the Plan field when they look at the ‘Account Overview’ section of the Settings console.

Account overview section of settings console with pricing plan

As announced during last week’s 4me Connect 2020 event, a fourth plan has been added to 4me’s pricing model.  This fourth plan is completely free and is called ‘Freemium’.  A separate blog post will be published soon to explain why this free plan was introduced and which organizations can benefit from it.