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SVG Support

Carlyn Manly

ZoomIn 4me Mobile, you may have noticed that, when you zoom in, the icons of the application remain perfectly crisp. That’s because these icons are defined by vectors rather than pixels.

Service selection in ITRP MobileNow you can provide the same pixel-perfect experience to your end users when they are submitting a new request. You can do this by uploading scalable vector graphics (SVG) images for your organization’s services and service categories.

The default product category avatars are also based on SVG files, so specialists can already see the benefits of using SVG in ITRP’s full UI.

It is possible to upload an SVG file wherever you can set a picture for a record.

Please keep in mind, however, that SVG files are not supported by Internet Explorer 7 or 8 (IE7 or IE8), which may still be used by some people.