Category Archives: Project Management
Start No Earlier Than Time Displayed in Warning
When work on a task should not start before a specific date and time, the change or project manager specifies this start moment in the Start no earlier than field. This ensures that when the task is assigned before this moment and a specialist opens it, a warning is displayed at the top of the […]
Introducing Mass Update Actions
Many of the actions available in the 4me toolbar and in the Actions menu can now be used to update multiple records at the same time. This extension of 4me’s mass update functionality can significantly improve the lives of specialists when they need to perform the same updates in multiple records. To make use of […]
Open Projects and Changes in Self Service
After a project task has been assigned to someone, this person can open the project task in 4me Self Service or in the 4me App, even if this person does not have the Specialist role. What is new is that it is now possible in these interfaces to open the project from a project task. […]
Status of Tasks Displayed in Gantt Charts
The Gantt charts of changes and projects that are managed in 4me offer a helpful graphical overview of the tasks, the order in which they should be completed, as well as their timing. To provide an even more complete overview, 4me now also presents the current status of each task in the Gantt chart. This small […]
Introducing the Redesigned Inbox Console
The views of 4me’s Inbox console have undergone a major makeover. When specialists open their 4me inbox, they will initially not notice a major change. Their inbox still presents the assignments in a table layout. But they may notice the ability to switch to a new layout. The new layout offers multiple lines of information […]
Improved Change Management Interface
The interface that change managers use to manage their changes has drastically improved. With this new interface, change managers can plan a change using a graphical representation (a Gantt chart) of the implementation plan.
Add MS Teams Chat Link to Person Records Using SCIM
4me’s SCIM provisioning capabilities have been extended to make it possible for organizations to automatically include a link for starting a Microsoft Teams chat session in each 4me person record. Using SCIM, it is possible to add the following attribute to each SCIM user record in 4me (where [email protected] is replaced with each person’s actual […]
Zero Planned Effort Allowed
The minimum planned effort for the completion of a task that is part of a change or project was one minute. But because more and more tasks are executed automatically, it is now possible to set the Planned effort fields to zero (or 00:00). Setting the planned effort of an approval task to zero may […]
More Date Range Filters
A few more date range filters have become available. These new filters have become available for the views and reports of the following record types: Requests Next target Problems Analysis target Releases, Changes, Tasks, Projects & Project Tasks Completion target SLAs, FLSAs & Contracts Start date Notice date Expiry date The new ‘Notice date’ filter, […]